Some of my favourite pieces from my time at The Age, some of which still have some currency:
FINAL ARTICLE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2014. BATTLE OF THE FERAL FOOTY FANS. A TRIBUTE TO THE GREAT SHIVNARINE CHANDERPAUL. Trying to give the quietest champion Test cricketer some kudos. ON TEST CRICKET. [I am for it]. HOCKEY: SUNDAY NIGHT SADNESS. After this trip, I told Brent Laver, Melbourne Ice coach, that he had supplied the title for the book I was writing about Australian hockey. Brent and Mustangs coach Brad Vigon would top it later in the season. THIS SPORTING LOVE. It was Valentine' Day, and after years of the Essendon saga, I needed to remember. A listicle, yes. IT'S A SHAME ABOUT REHMAN. The worst over in cricket since the last one of these articles I wrote, a year previous. Online, it is not just OK to just be silly, it is essential. When my inner 80-year-old was sidetracked, it turned out I was up to the challenge. WINTER OLYMPICS OUTFITS. Fashion editor for a day. CRICKET SILLINESS, 2013: ASHES OPTIMISM. CRICKET SILLINESS 2013: ASHES PESSIMISM. The mood changes in a few hours. CRICKET SILLINESS 2013: THE ALL-BOWLER XI. Yep, might have been getting carried away at this point. CRICKET: SLEDGES. Perennial topic every outlet will cover, so to make it interesting, dig deeper. CRICKET: THE T20 ERA. Just to prove I wrote 'seriously' about willow and leather. REPORTING: ALL IN THE MIND. Every now and again, I got some time to emulate my illustrious peers and do some of that thing where you ring people up and ask them questions. REPORTING: NON-CHEMICAL SPORTING INNOVATIONS. Yep, sick of the drug saga at this point. OPINION: TRASHING 'INTERNATIONAL RULES'. I generally shied away from serious op pieces, we had many stars for that, but this topic really tilted my windmill. OPINION: AFL FANS MUST BE HEEDED. Ooops, might have found another topic to tee off about ... This topic came to a head a year later when the NFL, sorry AFL totally lost the plot and scheduled a 'blockbuster' on a Sunday night. OPINION: LET PLAYERS SPEAK. The torture of media-managed professional sportsmen. AFL: WHAT TO TAKE FROM THE NFL. AFL: THE CARE FACTOR. Search for as many one-percenters as you like, but all Premiers possess this trait. Comments are closed.